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Royal Palm

Roystonea spp.

Royal Palm, Roystonea spp. Description

Height: 50-80 feet (15-24 meters)
Spread: 15-25 feet (4.5-7.5 meters)
Leaf: 18-36 inches (46-91 cm)
Range: Native to North America (USDA Hardiness Zones 10 through 11 - central and southern Florida, southern California)

General Care Tips

The Royal Palm prefers full sun and is best suited to well-drained acidic soils. Highly alkaline soils should be avoided. Growth can be rapid in moist, fertilized conditions.

Things to Watch For

Insect pests include palm leaf skeletonizer, Royal Palm bug, giant palm weevil and scales. The Royal Palm is vulnerable to ganoderma butt rot.