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There are many types of leafhoppers that attack a wide-range of trees and plants. Most leafhoppers are narrow and only about half an inch long. They move very quickly, hopping or flying when disturbed. When on the leaf, the leafhopper can move in any direction, moving sideways and backwards almost as fast as their forward motion. Leafhoppers can easily be identified by the large eyes on the sides of their heads.

Leafhoppers feed on a wide-range of trees and plants, by sucking large amounts of sap out of leaves and new twig growth. As they suck the sap, they produce large amount of honeydew, which is a discharge of undigested sap sugars. The honeydew appears as a clear, shiny, sticky material on the leaves.

Leaves that are severely damaged by leafhoppers are unsightly and the tree loses its ability to produce food.

Recommended Steps to Control Leafhoppers

Leafhoppers should be controlled as early as possible, before serious damage occurs. Spray the tree with Borer-Miner Killer and repeat spray every seven to fourteen days, as necessary.

If the tree is too tall to spray, treat it with Once-A-Year Insecticidal Drench w/Merit as early in the season as possible.