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White Mulberry

White Mulberry - Leaf Form of Weeping White Mulberry Winter Form of Weeping White Mulberry  
TreeHelp Product Suggestions:
Custom Care Kits
Horticultural Oil Insect Spray
Check for seed availability

Leaf of White Mulberry
University of Kentucky, Department of Horticulture

Weeping White Mulberry
G. Lumis

Weeping White Mulberry in Winter
G. Lumis

Scientific Name: Morus alba
Other Common Names: common mulberry, silkworm mulberry

Foliage: Broadleaf evergreen
Height: 30-40 feet
Spread: 10-20 feet
Shape: Rounded
Growth Characteristics: Fast-growing

The White Mulberry, native to China, has been an integral part of silk production for thousands of years. In fact, it was introduced into North America by the British in an attempt to establish a silk industry. It is extremely adaptable, but it is also prone to suckering and is known for its weak wood.  It flowers in spring, but the blossoms are quite small.  The 2-7 inch long leaves are usually lobed, but need not be, and are a dark green in colour, turning yellow in fall.  The fruit is the main attraction of this tree.  Similar to raspberries, mulberries are tasty to humans and make nice meals for birds. Fruitless forms are also available, though, if one wants to avoid messy cleanup. Cultivars include 'Chaparral', 'Fan-San', 'Pendula' (pictured above), 'Mapleleaf', 'Kingan', and 'Stribling'.

Plant Needs
Zone: 5-9
Light: Partial to full sun
Moisture: Tolerates drought and heat 
Soil Type: Almost any soil will do

Due to its weak wood, prune to shorten branches and avoid fertilization with high amounts of quick-release Nitrogen. 

Susceptible to wind and storm damage.  Slime flux and bacterial blight can be become problems. Is attacked by scale insects (treat with Horticultural Oil Insect Spray).