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Neem Oil is the oil produced from the fruit of the neem tree, which is grown in India. It is used as a contact, broad spectrum fungicide, insecticide, and miticide.
How does 70% Neem Oil work? It is a preventative curative fungicide. It is a contact insecticide/miticide. It also acts as an insect repellent.
What can I use 70% Neem Oil on? It is registered for use on indoor and outdoor ornamental plants, flowers, trees, shrubs, vegetables, fruits and nut crops.
How is 70% Neem Oil used as a fungicide? It prevents and controls diseases such as powdery mildew, black spot, rust, scabs, etc. It is best to apply as a preventative treatment before disease appears and repeat on a 7-14 day schedule until danger of disease has passed. It can also be applied once disease has appeared. Apply on a 7 day schedule until it has been controlled.
How is 70% Neem Oil used as an insecticide/miticide? It is used to control upon contact such insects as aphids, scales, whiteflies, leafrollers, etc. as well as mites. Apply on a 7-14 day schedule.
What rate do I use 70% Neem Oil? Mix at the rate of 1 ounce (2 tablespoons) per gallon of water. Spray all plant surfaces including the underside of the leaves until thoroughly wet. Shake the sprayer before using to thoroughly mix the product with water.
What else should I know about 70% Neem Oil? It controls the eggs, larvae and adults of insects. It can be used on interiorscapes. Apply in the early morning or late evening to minimize the chance of burning.
What precautions should I observe? Do not mix with cold water (less than 45ºF). When mixed with water use up all the solution. Do not store diluted solution for later use. Do not use on stressed plants. Injury has been noted on impatiens, fuchsias, hibiscus, olives, carnations, and some rose varieties. Apply with caution around these plants. It is best to apply to a plant or two and observe for 24 hours to see if injury occurs before applying to the entire flowerbed.