Marc Rogers
185 Pages
The Gardener's Guide to Growing and Storing Vegetable and Flower Seeds
Looking for something to add excitement and interest to your garden? Try raising and saving seeds for your own vegetables and flowers!
Saving seeds is a time-honored tradition - one that more and more gardeners are rediscovering. It can be as simple as growing a few extra peas or beans for next year's use or as challenging as wintering over cabbage heads, waiting for the flower stalks to poke up in the spring.
Any gardener can become a successful seed saver - the only limitations are your time, space, and interest. And the benefits of growing and saving your own seeds are many:
You can save money on expensive yearly seed bills.
You can select seed each year from the plants nest suited to your garden and your particular growing conditions.
You can help preserve old-time and regional favorites - heirloom vegetables and flowers that your grandparents grew, but that are often hard to find these days.
You can share seeds from your own favorite flowers and vegetables with family, friends, neighbors, and other gardeners.
This book will tell you all you need to know about how to raise, harvest, and store seeds for the easiest-to-grow and most popular vegetables and ornamental plants. Each vegetable and flower is discussed in detail. And Saving Seedsanswers hundreds or frequently asked gardening questions:
Will cucumbers cross with melons or squash?
Do some weeds cross with vegetables?
Should I avoid raising hybrids for seed?
How can I raise seeds that will produce earlier crops? Tastier crops?
Originally published in 1978 as Growing and Saving Vegetable Seeds, Marc Roger's popular and practical guide has now been thoroughly updated to include the best ornamental flowers to grow for seed.
Seed-saving can be a fascinating lifelong hobby for any serious (or frugal) home gardener. And Saving Seeds can help you get started.